Things I've built during my software adventures (that I can share)

I've worked on tons of enterprise-level projcts over the years but these are public-facing projects that I'm most proud of. When the code is available, please do take a look and contribute!

  • Belle Tire

    An eCommerce site that serves as the face of a regional tire company. I recently lead a team that owned the entire stack. We had a lot of fun working on quite a few initiatives with our business partners.

  • Placidbits

    My company's site! Currently undergoing a rebrand as well as a restructure, but still was a lot of fun to explore platform options with CMS providers.

  • Placidbits.Console

    A publicly availavle nuget package for those who have a niche need to create a .NET console application with boilerplate taken care of. Comes with dependency injection, parallel task runs, opinionated logging, data provision, and a simple extension setup.

  • API Wrapper

    A sample project to demonstrate how to abstract RESTful calls for ease-of-use for your internal team. Heavy use of OOP concepts.

  • Discord Gecko Bot

    A fun toy app a friend asked me to build for his Discord server. If you want random facts about geckos to show up in a text channel, this is for you.

  • .NET Prop Crawler

    Originally an internal code generation utility to turn domain objects into POCO DTOs for comms over-the-wire. It's been genericized for public use.

  • Baby Shower Guestbook 2

    The previous one was such a hit, some more close friends asked for one of their own!?

  • Baby Shower Guestbook 1

    A little guestbook site for some close friends who were expecting.